We used a number of techniques to attract our audience, including defining the drama which immediately grabbed the audience's attention. Firstly our main character is a young, male in his late teens to early adulthood. We chose him to be the lead as because he is a similar age to our target audience (12-30) they can relate to him a lot more and also shows how many audience members would act if they were in a similar situation. There is a large age range however the camera work, catchy plot line and the fact this is a drama keeps everyone intrigued and wanting to watch more. We decided upon the title of ‘Lily’ because it has a variety of connotations branching from it. A lily makes us think of a beautiful untouched white flower, however it could also be the name of a person so this makes the audience want to find out more. I think a one-word name is also effective, as it doesn’t give much insight into the film so this also attracts the attention of the audience. I think the flashbacks in our opening sequence make it a lot more personal and as it is from Matt’s perspective it is a lot more personal and distinctive and the audience can relate in some ways as to how he is feeling. The opening of the film is an establishing shot showing Matt in a graveyard walking with flowers in his hand this sets the mood straight away and shows the audience exactly what to expect in the film

We have also used sound to grab the audience’s attention, e.g. the music, voiceover and sound effects. These are used to create a tense atmosphere, for example when Matt is having a flashback, the music suddenly changes from the sad tone to a happier tone, this will hopefully draw the audience in as they will want to find out what happens next. Our editing has helped to attract audience to as during it we included some shots of the girl across the road and then a car passes and she is gone, this creates a sense of mystery and will hopefully get the audience questioning thus making them watch more of the film to get those questions answered. The final technique used was the mise on scene; in terms of the costumes for both characters we used ordinary clothes for the age group so the audience are able to relate to and darker ones when he was upset. In terms of the location we chose a graveyard, this is not a usual setting for a drama and will be something the audience are not expecting.